Keep them active with these fun Christmas activities
Wreath-ket ball
This game will limber up those arms for a snowball fight!
Directions: Use about 6 white Styrofoam balls (or wadded sheets of paper) for the snowballs and a Christmas wreath. Hold or hang up the wreath in the air so it’s about 6 feet from the ground and about 10 feet from your throw line. Have kids take turns throwing the snowballs through the wreath. The kids who can throw all 6 snowballs through the wreath win! (If you want to make this game harder, move the wreath up and down as the kids throw.)
Cracks in the Ice
Find some festive music to play during this chilly twist on musical chairs.
Directions: Draw and cut some ice-cube shapes from printer paper. Make as many cubes as there are kids, and then subtract one cube. Tape the cubes (to keep them from slipping) to the floor in a big circle. Play music and have the kids walk around the ice cubes. When the music stops, they need to sit on an ice cube and “shiver.” Whoever doesn’t have an ice cube to sit on “falls through the ice” and is out. Keep removing ice cubes as you play to make the circle smaller and smaller. The last person on the ice wins. You can make it a non elimination game by requiring each person that falls through the ice perform a task- 3 jingle bell burpees ect until there is only 1 ice cube left.
Reindeer relay
Oh no! Santa hit a bump and has lost all the presents off his sleigh! Lucky for him, he has some reindeer friends who can help reload it!
Directions: Have the kids draw one present each on a piece of paper and cut it out. Divide the kids into 2 teams, and divide the presents into 2 piles at one end of the room. Give every kid on each team a straw. The first person on each team has to suck up one of the presents with his straw and carry it to a “sleigh” (bowl or tray) at the other end of the room using only suction power—no hands. If the present drops they have to start at the beginning again. When the first person is done, the next one in line takes a turn, and so on. The first team that transfers all their gifts to their sleigh wins.